Monday, August 24, 2009

Another day in Paradise

As the title states, just another 8 hour shift in Paradise aka your neighbourhood grocery store.

Yes, I'm the person on the other side of the cash register, the one you ignore while you're busy yapping on the cell phone, texting whomever or yelling at your child.

The one you ask to hurry up because you left your kids in the car or your running late to pick up little Johnny from soccer practise or Suzy from dance lessons, or you left the potatoes boiling on the stove when you realized you forgot to get milk when you were in the store 3 hours ago.

I'm the one of a handful of people you pass by when you are in our store ~ YOU are one of a hundred or so I see each and every shift.

This is what I do to earn a pay cheque. It may be what some term as a "service industry" job, but that may not mean that I am an unskilled worker. I may have been one of thousands of business people that have had to make career changes due to the economic turns.

Whatever my reasons I am the last person you meet while in my place of employment.

Unless you want to speak with my Manager.....